DISTRHO - Cardinal

that is already the case with both cardinal mini and the “big” cardinal with 36 total IO.

Oh I didn’t know that! How do I access these in cardinal?
The CV module is completely blank even if I tick all the boxes.

that is for the stereo standalone or a variant that cannot do CV.

my recommendation is to switch to Cardinal Mini, then tell me of the most absolutely necessary modules needed. if they are polyphonic I will consider adding them as part of the mini build

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Well I tried all plugin variants (synth and fx, au, vst,vst3) and the standalone, they all show this blank module.

Great! I think I wrote in the mini thread what I need.
Mainly a simple AD envelope module.
(I tried very often, the stock ADSR in mod won’t behave like an AD even if you put down sustain and play with notelength)

Where do you see if a module is poly?

it is part of the tags of a module

cardinal mini should have 2 adsr modules, the “fundalmental” one and one from mockba.
cool thing that we can just load https://minicardinal.kx.studio/ and try it out there if it works, nothing but a browser needed :smiley:

I really don’t like working with ADSR in modular, because you mainly work with triggers rather then key presses in this environment.
In order to use it as AD you’d have to combine triggers with a notelength or somthing similar.
A simple AD envelope is just easier and essential imho.

Bogaudio AD works well and is poly.

oh this one is dope!

I really started to like having the Eugene module to generate sequences. Mainly cause mods sequencers are so untight. Didnt really test yet if this works better though, but it should work, since you can patch external midi clock into cardinal directly.
These kind of modules are not polyphonic by definition however.

just to be clear, you mean this one right? VCV Library - Bogaudio AD

can surely add it, thanks for the suggestion. there are many approaches to modular, I didnt even notice this module existed to be quite honest :sweat_smile:

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Yes this one!

Yeah foshure. Also Percussion sounds are another use case, where you need trigger + Ad envelope.

Any Ideas about this? I just did a reinstall to make sure everything is up to date and tried all versions again. Cant finde the working cv ports

that is normal, for cardinal only the “main” variant provides CV ports, which is available only as LV2, VST3 and JACK standalone (the “native” standalone is stereo config only)

I have yet to see a single VST3 host that supports CV, so wouldnt count on that working, leaving only LV2 and JACK standalone left.

Ok thanks thats more clear. I wasnt able to open cardinal jack because I get this error:

EDIT: Cv ports in VST3 seem to work. Was just not able to find the module in the searchbar when testing

I am not able to connect to the “big” cardinal, neither through VST3, au etc nor through the standalone version. Cardinal Jack won’t open, as mentioned here.

cardinal jack needs jack installed, which is a whole separate thing.
but you can just wait for the inclusion of bogaudio AD then, I will do that very soon.

I installed jack and rebooted but it was still not working.

I managed to connect after reloading the pedalboard with the VST3 version however!

Thank you I apreciate that! I started to become kinda attached to the euclidean sequencer though…

Any plans on incorporating these kind of devices? They are usually not poly but a very nice addition to mod imho.

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Hi all…
Is it possible to play the cardinal plugin from an audio input?
It looks like it should be, either via audio to cv,
Or via its audio inputs, but I cant get it to work .
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Any ideas ?

@Steve1 can you be more clear on what you are trying to do?

you can use audio 2 cv pitch module before cardinal and send the cv outs into Cardinal (regular or Mini) or use the audio2cvpitch from within Cardinal (but a bit wasteful since it being external does the same)

something like this


Thanks, Falk, .
What I want to do is use an audio input (guitar)
To trigger cardinal .
Looks like the demo might cover it .
Ill give it a go .
Thanks for quick response .
A T B .:slightly_smiling_face:

Can cardinal also be used to process external audio as an effect?

It has audio input … so why not?

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Hi! I’m wanting to run Cardinal mini, on a pi 4B running MODEP, to check it out. I’ve managed to copy over the mini lv2 folder into the pi running MODEP and I can get it to see the plugin. But if I try to add Cardinal mini to a pedal, it says “error adding effect”. Is it not going to work this way so should I give up? :slight_smile:
Or is there a way to compile it to work for MODEP?
Many thanks

this is not the proper place for such discussion I think. if you want a custom build see about building Cardinal as needed for the Pi.
Neither the current builds for the MOD store or the github releases are ideal for the Pi/MODEP, for such systems performance is going to be even more subpar if not doing a specific machine/system optimized build. the modgui is the same for all systems, as it is browser based, but the plugin DSP side (what fails to load for you) is the essential part that needs a custom build

Ok thanks, yeah I guess running Cardinal directly on a Pi makes more sense in this case. Will try it that way…