[General Discussion] - Dwarf as Audio Interface

In the kickstarter campaign the Dwarf was announced also as an audio interface. I was not able to get that working on my Mac. Is this already implemented? If not, no issue, just checking, if I was missing something.

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It is not implemented yet.

There are a few things that will come to the dwarf in v1.11 and even in v1.12.

We added the USB MIDI interface support for now.
USB Audio is harder to do, but from our tests, achievable with the Dwarf. It is all a software “problem” to tackle now.

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Thanks for the fast answer. Not Problem. USB MIDI is working really great, much more important for me!

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Hey, any update on the audio interface? I have to say this was one of the selling point of the Dwarf (otherwise I’d have gone for HX Stomp).
I’d really appreciate if you could provide some insight on a probable time for this feature implementation!

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It’s on the roadmap to be implemented on the device and have official support.
Until then you can try the experimental version of it. Find it on the bottom of this wiki page.

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