FilterSteps 1

I am a new member of the Mod-community and a happy new user of the Mod DuoX.

My first contribution is my board Filtersteps1 (FilterSteps 1 - MOD Devices)

I am an old user of Max/Msp since the first version in 1990, so I am familiar with the technique of object-oriented patching.
On my wish list would be that you could also patch internal modulators internally and not have to go the way of an external midi cable.
It’s a shame that the programming of Gen in Max is impossibly complicated as far as Midi is concerned, so many ideas of mine unfortunately cannot be implemented in the DuoX. But maybe miracles will happen and Cycling74 will open up as far as the traditional Max is concerned.


Gen getting easier with MIDI would also be super welcome for me to “tweak out” some ideas and use them on MOD :wink: Fingers crossed!
Welcome to the MOD family :slight_smile: really cool sound on the pedalboard, by the way :wink: keep sharing them with us