Hi! Come Introduce Yourself!

I’m selling a Mod Dwarf in excellent condition if anyone’s interested! Can’t seem to add the link but it’s on Reverb in London, UK.

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You need to interact a bit to raise the forum trust levels or someone needs to manually do it for you. I just did the second.
Can you share with us why are you selling your MOD Dwarf? Maybe the thread where you share the link would actually be better to do it.


I just saw your sale post on Reverb :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

I’m Clement, a music technology nerd, sound designer, and multi-instrumentalist (though for practical purposes I identify primarily as a guitarist) located in the bucolic hills of Vermont in the USA. I do also play some keyboard and Chapman stick and occasionally experiment with wild digital/hybrid drum kits.

I have been watching the Mod project develop over the years and decided to participate in the Dwarf Kickstarter. I am a huge proponent of open-source software and have been using Linux in various capacities since the mid-nineties. I was excited to see the folks at Mod bring Linux to a hardware music device that delivers tremendous flexibility. I participated in the Kickstarter hoping to add a Dwarf to a rig that I have built for a live electronica project.

Aside from being a Linux device, there are two primary reasons why the Dwarf is appealing for this use case. 1- It has audio processing and MIDI instruments in a single small form factor. 2- With flexible routing capabilities, a decent amount of effects/instruments, and various control blocks it looks like an excellent platform for sound design. Somewhat like a poor man’s Eventide with Vsig. Though I’ve yet to receive a Dwarf yet but am hopeful that with the reboot this may happen soon. Some months ago I did spin up an instance of MODEP on a PI to experiment with its capabilities and was delighted with the results.

I am very glad to see the folks at Mod successfully initiate a reboot and would like to contribute my skills (time permitting) to further the advancement of Mod Devices.

I have been working as a marketing, design, and audio professional forever! :grin:
Here is a short list of skills that the Mod team may find useful.

  • Video Production / Motion Graphics
  • Audio Production
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • UI / UX Design
  • CMS Admin and Maintenence (Joomla, WordPress, Magento, PrestaShop)
  • Multi-Channel Automated Marketing
  • Beta Testing Hardware and Software Platforms
  • Technical Manual Writing and Design

If anyone on the Mod team feels that they could put my skills to good use please feel free to reach out via DM and let me know.



If you will have Chapman-stick pedalboards to share, please do not be shy to share them via cloud, there are other Stick players that can benefit from it. At least me :smiley:


First of all, thanks for “officially” introducing yourself to the MOD Forum @Clement and thank you even more for the offer.

We are at this moment trying to gauge the interest and organize the community for such tasks/help. I’m not sure if it was not actually what triggered your public post about it. Regardless, if you didn’t do it yet and it was a simple coincidence, please fill up the survey from here (especially the community part).
I know this is asking you a little bit of time, but we plan to use it as a central point to start the organization of this community endeavor, rather than keep track of all the individual offers.
The same applies to other users reading this.
I can tell you that the participation of the community in answering the survey until now is impressive - we have close to 600 answers, where about 56% took the community part and not only the opt-in. Anyway, the more answers we get on it, the more accurate the perspective that we have from the community.


Aloha! I’m new and also a Stick player on the Big Island, Hawaii. I just ordered my Dwarf and looking forward to it arriving. My plan is also to use it with the Stick.

Are there any resources/guides on how to setup the dual independent channel ? I had a HX Stomp before and it was a nightmare to try to do.



If you are asking about UI, MOD’s web interface is quite visual and obvious, there is nothing special required to enable for dual channel as far as I remember, it is in a dual channel mode out of the box.

You have two inputs at your workspace and two outputs, everything in between works almost the same as regular physical pedals are connected. (except for additional possibility to make one-to-many or many-to-one connections between virtual pedals). Just throw in virtual pedals and connect them from left to right:


I’ve seen a couple of Stick (not a lot) pedalboards in the cloud, for example like this one, you might try looking :

Only tip I have to share that I use regarding dual channel in my every Stick pedalboard - is the following piece :

When this switchbox is in “up” position, left channel goes to left output and right goes to right, for recording in stereo into separate channels of audio card, to record each pickup independently.

But in “down” position - both outputs receive both left and right channels mixed, for playing in headphones (as it is hard to play when you hear only one Stick pickup per ear, I would prefer it monomixed) or using only one of the outputs to stream both channels to mono bass amp for example.

Also, if you do not use headphones you can achieve almost the same for the main outputs with the following global device setting - (at least I have it in ModDuoX)

P.S. My Stick output is quite low, so I also had to increase my MDX input gain using hardware on-device UI.


Hi - Unsure a better place to post this. Seems like Google Authentication to login is broken, meaning I can’t access the forum with my main account. Can this please be remedied?


yes, this was something we forgot when moving to new domain. we’ll fix it soon!


Hi there y’all … :smiley: Mack here.

Retired sound engineer & tinkerer. Participant @ Hack42. Diving head first into the world of modular synths & effects. Just picked up my (secondhand) Duo X. The next challenge will be Pure Data. See if I can create a Shepard generator for the Mod eco system.



Welcome onboard @Mack :slight_smile:
Happy to see you here with your account sorted out.
Quite interesting background and goals! Please keep us updated on your experiments


Cheers @Mack ! And nice that my little demo at the hackerspace gave you enough interest to go for it :smiley:


Welcome @Mack ! Look forward to hearing what you do with your MOD :slight_smile:


Hi @Mack Very interesting background!


Hey Dreamer, I soon might drop by at Nurdspace to learn a thing or two.


I am apparently unable to post any new topics to the forum. Can you please correct that? Thanks.

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Could you now ?
(I’ve upgrade your trust level)


It appears to be working now. Thanks.

oh- about me- I’ve done experimental electronic music beginning in the mid 80’s and was once even a very early employee of N.I. :slight_smile:


that sounds cool :slight_smile: you should share something with us :slight_smile:

Thanks @Rom for the help

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