I was unable to resolve noise in the Mod Dwarf after trying DI and groundless power

I guess this is something on my side and I was the one answering you. Probably I stopped receiving notifications of your answers (I really need to investigate why this happens only in certain cases). Can you please share your ticket number with me? I will follow up from there.

I’m really sorry to learn that and I’m even more sorry for the lack of reply. It was really something going wrong with the notifications. Anyway, if your issue is a ground loop one it is solvable. If it’s not it’s also solvable by repairing the device.
On a quick and more personal note, I understand how frustrating this can be, but please note that this is not only a MOD issue. This is an issue with many of the current audio gear available (just recently in a setup with two MOD devices I was having noise issues with…two Korg Volcas). These issues are normally triggered by the conjugation of multiple audio devices and also their power providers (that can go to the electric installation at the location). Better than me, @QuestionMarc already explained in detail that here.
That said, I’m happy to guide you in order to fix the noise issue in your MOD DuoX setup.


Hi all,

Sorry for being out of the loop for a while (pardon the pun), things have been hectic. Anyway, I’ve tried going instrument → MOD → interface, and tried both with the MOD powered from the Furman and powering from a different wall socket.

In regards to the series of tests that @QuestionMarc suggested, even on headphones with the original powersupply I can hear a background noise that has a constant whistle.

I’ll be contacting support at this point


The headphones can’t really be considered a clean output, unfortunately, they are “for monitoring purposes only”. When I’m in Canada I somehow get radio through my headphone jack lol. Also through an active bass pickup, which I consider a feature rather than a bug. :slight_smile:


Does this still happen?! And have you manage to pin point it to Canada only?
I honesty don’t know if I love or hate that lol


Lol to be fair I haven’t been in Canada since December, but when I was there I tried multiple headphone sets and the problem persisted, so even though I am going with a slightly better pair this year I suspect it will happen again. I’ll be back there in a little over two weeks so I’ll keep you posted! Here in LA the headphone output is definitely a bit noisy, but I don’t have to use it. For the most part I’ve been able to manage the quirks of my own setup with the Dwarf, though I frequently run up against the CPU limit and wish I’d just ponied up for a Duo X. I’m actually excited to get back to Montreal as I’ve been recently working on holding down other peoples’ music (and therefore using the Dwarf less) but in my more-solitary Canadian life it’s all about personal expression, radio noise or no :slight_smile:


Btw, just revisiting this thread, as I was monitoring my interface and it seemed noisy, so I checked the Dwarf headphone jack, and yes, I still get AM radio through my nicer set of headphones too. The radio isn’t getting passed on to the interface, but still isn’t as clean as it should be. sigh Has anyone else reported this? My life is plagued with noise issues…


What are your current headphone gain levels?

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If by “gain level” you mean the “headphone volume” in the settings menu, I’ve tried it at various levels. I’ve also tried it while messing with the input gain. Steady noise, but it’s at manageable levels into my DAW so it’s not a huge deal, I rarely would need headphones, but it is weird.


Sorry, exactly that.

Yes, it is. Super weird.
As a general rule (and also for other users reading this thread) we don’t advise using the headphones out to record or as the main output. The headphones out can, in general, be more prompt to noise issues and it’s meant mainly to monitor and/or practice.


Hello. I’ve just receive my mod dwarf in France and I have power supply issue. Very noise with it when I use it on no ground electric. No problem with ground. Problem is that some times I have no choice to use with no ground connection. How to resolve this problem. Is there support to get another power supply ?

You can try the “compensate ground loop” feature :
It generally diminishes the noise. But in my case, in some places, the power supply is just unusable. It’s a known problem with the Dwarf. Some people in the forum have found workarounds that usually imply buying another power supply or a piece of gear that removes the noise. There are a few threads about these issues.

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No it doesn’t work for me. I’ve just found an ungrounded power supply and it’s work fine. No noise.

I understand, the ground loop compensation only reduces the noise but it doesn’t do miracles. An ungrounded power supply is one of the workarounds. Too bad it removes electrical security.

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The only thing that removes noises from my Mod Audio unit is a DI with the ground lift on the output of the device. When I switch on the ground lift all noises are gone. I’ve tried differents way before and nothing worked.

Do you have a DI or some other pedal that has a grond lift feature?

I used a Lehle splitter with a ground lift button and it does wonders

Bonjour Paskal. J’ai le même souci et je m’arrache les cheveux avec ce bruit qui rend mon MOD Dwarf quasiment inutilisable, c’est super pénible. Pourriez-vous me donner le lien de votre nouvelle alimentation?

Celle-ci fonctionne sans problème:

Merci pour votre réponse. En cherchant un peu, j’en ai trouvé d’autres à la maison… même problème. Je vais voir celle que vous m’avez indiquée mais je suis perplexe… En branchant mon mod dwarf sur l’ampli basse. Juste le mod dwarf, sans même brancher ma basse, le buzz reste présent… Ca ressemble aux buzz que l’on rencontre avec une mauvaise carte son de pc quand on entend des parasites au moindre mouvement de souris!

Ta Dwarf est bien déconnectée du PC ?
(L’USB trimballe des parasites)

wait wait, USB ground noise in French is ‘parasites’? That’s fantastic