MIDI Foot Controller Recommendation

I feel that so hard lol

I need to grow more arms so I can play everything

I’ve luckily adopted a gear in, gear out policy. I generally will only buy something new with the proceeds from selling gear.

Unfortunately I haven’t been selling anything I news to sell, but new gear magically keeps appearing on my doorstep somehow.

If anyone asks, I won a contest lol


man why didnt I think of that!!!

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My Mod duo save me from GAS.
I accumulated many pedals , I couldn’t put them on my pedalbord.
When I had my Mod duo I sold everything and now my pedalboard is stable.


Nice. Mine is stuck somewhere at customs and should arrive soon, I am planning to use the same with Dwarf.


Hopefully it arrives soon!

I almost didn’t back it originally, but I am glad I did, im.sure it’ll be useful with building complex pedalboards

Please share some videos with us :wink:


I know you are tired of hearing the “Dwarf ETA curiosity song” again and again, I am trying hard not to sing it in front of you, but now it just obtrusively appeared in my head and stuck there again…

Once I finally meet my Dwarf, than I will surely ask, if he doesn’t mind some videotaping with Pirate MIDI Bridge :wink:


Well I will do my best.

Unfortunately, work has me tied up for several more weeks. Eventually I’ll get some quality time to sit down and actually make something haha

I’ve had this bridge 6 for like a week and all I’ve been able to do is pull it out of the box and set it on my desk :confused:


You’re me hero, Elk.

I can do the former quite well, but not so much of the latter… Please enlighten me!

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Well my secret has been to just make a small set up with select pieces of gear.

Turns out I generally can make a decent amount of stuff with a few pieces of kit, and the pile of stuff I thought I wanted/needed originally has been boxed up and hasn’t really been touched.

So anything that doesn’t get touched for more than a month or two will get sold.

This time I’m going to be smart and sample everything before I sell it off haha

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GIGO. Gear in, gear out. When I’m not too lazy I try to do that, reluctantly. Same with stereo - the best I can afford - barely enough to keep me out of the ‘big box’ stores, but enough to get me into the ‘audiophile’ door. Not ‘audiophool’ yet - no cryo treated tubes or fuses - have no intentions of ever going down that road!

Good sound is the ultimate goal!

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Most of my rig is in the case for now and has been for quite a while. Been playing almost exclusively acoustic. Got my main amp sitting on the end of the (8x4) desk and a small board with my wireless receiver, power supply and tuner under the desk, but I use them sparingly. My main electric is right behind me on a stand, but the acoustics get almost all the work for now.

When I get the Dwarf and the expression pedal i’m going full gonzo on it.


You’ll have a blast with the dwarf for sure!

Lots of possibilities for pretty much anything you can think of.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you create!


I’m having a blast right now (I get a few hours to myself most days). I’ll fly off to a transcendent state/alternate universe once I get the dwarf and expression pedal.


Hi again,
So I got the Hotone Midi pedal, super programmable. I have it sending cc signals, but I can’t figure out why I can only turn a pedal on or off (yes, very basic needs here). If the pedal is on, for example, and I use midi-learn, I can get the pedal to turn off with a stomp. However, when I stomp again, the pedal doesn’t turn on. I’ve tried momentary, toggle, single and hold modes in the programming. If anyone has a suggestion, that would be great.

Ironic that in my household, the persons willing to enforce this rule are the very ones who prevent me from touching my gear in the first place…

When you land, please post some music!

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Try the midi monitor and see what is coming out.

sometimes cc is sent as a say 127 which if thats your on state it wont turn off

Or it might be sending 127 and then instantly 0 when you release again sort of cancelling the on state.

The state you need normally is CC Toggle which needs to have a value below 64 and then above 64 normally to give you the on off states.

Check you are sending the correct values

below 64 (normally 0) is off

above 64 (normally 127) is on.

Check you have these values and toggle selected . Check the output on midimonitor

Then attach to dwarf and see if it works .

Also how is it being attached to the dwarf? check that too.

If you have a DAW maybe create say a dummy clip in Live that sends out a cc via your USB midi cable and see if that will switch the dwarf fx on/off

If not message back

I dont have my dwarf so might need others to chip in.

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@Austin73 You turned the light bulb on in my brain. The Hotone pedal is very programmable, and after I looked at what you wrote about, I realized that the cc messages consisted of two values: a controller value (at least that’s what the Mod terms it) and a secondary value, which corresponds to the >64< values. I set one of the Hotone pedal buttons to toggle, cc message, data value 1 to whatever (100, whatever) for both the Group A and Group B settings, then set the Group A data value 2 to be less than 64 and the Group B data value 2 to be more than 64, and voila! Works perfectly!!!

Thank you so much. I’ll see if I can replicate with the other 3 buttons, but if all works, I’ll get the Hotone expression pedal and then will have a ridiculous set with the Dwarf that “dwarfs” anything else I had before LOL.

Thanks again!


chuffed for you mate. I know what its like sometimes you just cant see for looking.

Just to confirm cc mesages normal are

Midi Channel 1-16

CC number to assign 0-127 or 1 -128

Minimum value - anything below 127 but if using switches below 64 is off

Maximum value again anything below 127 but if using switches above 64 is on.

If you assign the pedal you can still use Minimum / Maximum values that way you can tailor your sweep. Same for knobs.

Look forward to seeing the results on youtube ; )


also try the Nektar expression pedal its super cheap and has a really good feel to it. I have a few and I pick them up for around £20 each on amazon including delivery.

Far better than a EV5

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