Netjack pluggin

Any insights on this :-0?

I have not had the opprtunity to check. Is the ‘top’ command available on the mod ?

Hey Everyone,

I’m trying to accomplish getting the audio interface (tascam us 16-08) on my macbook to my windows pc which has a motu and in ableton true a direct networkcable (no switch)

I’ve managed to setup the network but i can’t see the ports on the interface and i’m affraid i’m stuck and can’t grasp the whole master / slave concept, can anyone help me out?



Not familiar with Jack on both Windows and Mac, but the idea is basically that on two distinct machines running Jack, on runs as a normal Jack server, and the one on the other machine runs as a client. So it exposes the capture and playback ports of the other machines (the server) to the applications running on it (the client).

For instance in your case, you’d run the server jack deamon on the mac, and the client on the Windows PC. Jack-aware apps on the Windows PC could then exchange sound streams with the apps on the Mac, but also access the MAC tascam interface as if it was on the Windows machine.