New plugin GuitarMidi-LV2

I’ve not tried it yet, but apparently spotify have dropped an open source audio to midi application, just thought it might be of interest as it’s open source with research papers.


It’s a set of python scripts, so not exactly interesting (not suitable to package into a plugin and not particularly performant for realtime applications).
It requires minimum python3.7 (MOD units ship with python3.4) and needs things like tensorflow, so this likely performs terribly on our units.


Just wondering how the progress for the development has been. Any chance that it’ll be released in beta soon?


Hi. Lately I had no time to continue due to my day job. And before I was having problems with cleanly separating the harmonic overtones. Currently I doing research into neural nets for audio separation, the idea being feeding the output of the filterbanks into a net which infers which string is plucked at which fret. So, no I can’t say when this will be available as beta but I have no intention in abandoning the project or letting it ‘slide aside’


staying stoked

He Galls n Guys. I have a new release !!
GuitarMidi v1.4!
Please look at the readme at GitHub - geraldmwangi/GuitarMidi-LV2: A concept for guitar to midi as an lv2 plugin
I created a debian/ubuntu package.
The plugin runs with no xruns very stable. There are caveats documented in the readme:
Currently you must run the host with 256 frame per period at 48KHz samplerate. I will change that soon.
Please test the plugin, I am very interested in you experiences.

It took quite some time, but I decided to stop experimenting and release the best I’ve got till now.
It is absolutely not perfect, but quite fun to play with now.

To make it better, I need to deploy machine learning techniques. I could need alot of help!!
Thank you for testing


Hey this looks nice! Noob question:
This is not compiled for dwarf / duox yet?

Not yet. I still need time to get that done.
If you run ubuntu or debian linux you can try it out, I have installation packages available at Releases · geraldmwangi/GuitarMidi-LV2 · GitHub.
I cant give any guaranty but I hope to have a production version for the MOD out next year!


Ok thanks for the reply. I’m on mac, so I can’t really try this…

That sounds quite exciting! I would love to turn my guitar into midi for arpegios and generative sounds, this could really be a gamechanger!

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I’ll do my best :smile:

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Well take the time you need :wink: But I wouldnt be too upset about messing around with a beta version of this :smiling_face:

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