Plugin licenses now applied to Dwarf units

Happy times, just added all plugin licenses to all the Dwarf units we have registered so far.
Just load or refresh the web interface with an active internet connection, and it will display a notification about such licenses.



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Just received my Dwarf recently (which is awesome, btw) and can’t seem to find the following plugins that were included in the stretch goals. Am I missing something?

  • MESS California Rectifier - Mesa Boogie 4×12 Rectifier (Free for MOD Dwarf backers)
  • K-Devices TTap
  • Looperlative double looper

TTap and Looperlative are not ready just yet, I don’t know the details on the MESS one.
Looperlative will require v1.11 update, but that will come real soon. Last I heard the plugin is progressing very well too, near completion.


Awesome, thank you for the quick response!

Hi MODDevices,

Is there any plan to let those of us who backed both the Dwarf and a DuoX have the licensed Dwarf plugins on both units? I ran into this the other day trying to duplicate a setup on my DuoX for band practice… :frowning:


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sure, but we dont have the needed automatic things in place.
you can PM me and I will look into it, just make sure to write both units serial numbers.
at some point this will be all automated, but it is not there yet.

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Awesome. Just PM’d you - thanks!

We noticed a few issues with some plugin licenses and just redid the whole thing now.
So beta-backers should have pretty much all plugins unlocked now, for real this time.

TTap and Looperlative to come at a later date, these plugins are not ready yet.