Put MOD IP address on Case Back Panel?


Extremely minor point, but thought I’d mention. The other day I hooked my MOD up to a PC I hadn’t used before and I didn’t have it’s IP address memorized or bookmarked in the browser. I think generally speaking both for brand new users and people hooking up to a new/different PC it would be nice to have the IP address and basic connection instructions printed on the panel on the back of the MOD Case.

Just a suggestion, thanks

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Personally I’d prefer zeroconf (aka avahi, aka bonjour [1]) just “mod.local”

Pretty much all systems do support that these days, certainly OSX, iOS, Android does and all major Linux distros suport mDNS out-of-the box.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking


@x42 thanks for the tip, will look into this.