Release 1.1.3

Hello everyone, yet another 1.1 bugfix update is here - v1.1.3 aka “Please don’t kill me…”

This is an optional update.
It makes the automatic check & fix of the user data partition actually do something. :slight_smile:
If you’re able to save pedalboards in your MOD you don’t need this update.

Because some users on the forum had this issue before, and we confirmed this update to fix their issue, we are now releasing it officially to everybody.
(We know not everyone likes to comment publicly on forums, so there might be users with the same issue we don’t know about…)

If your MOD has the problem of not being able to save or install new plugins, this update is for you!
You’ll not be able to automatically update in this case, so grab the update file manually here:

Then follow the update instructions on the top of our releases page, here:

For everybody else, you can update the MOD via web interface as usual.
The notification popup is less flashy this time, as this an optional update.

Here’s the changelog:

  • automatically fix user data partition superblocks on boot
  • fix user data check when doing updates, give warning if unrecoverable (applies to future updates)

We hope you’re enjoying your MOD Duo.
Please let us know of any issues!


Success! At least I’ve powered down once, powered back up, and it’s returned to th “KNOB #! - KNOB #2” screens.

Thanks to the development team for all your hard work!

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Thanks for confirming it fixes your issue!

I was unsure what the issue with your MOD was, so I wasn’t sure what to try.
Great to know it’s fixed.

This means the boot issues reported on this forum all solved now. :smiley:

I’ve powered down and powered back up three times now (the last time powered down for about 45 minutes) and everything’s cool!

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Hi, I updated my ModDuo to release 1.1.3 using the USB port and “modduo-v1.1.3.tar” file. After that the GUI didn’t show plugins anymore. The black window even inhibited all commands. I’m using Windows10 with RNDIS 2010 driver and it seems bad communication with the equipment. Questions: a) how can I download a complete release with operating system and native plugins that communicate to W10? b) how can I install it using the USB port? c) can you indicate a better driver to W10? Tks. (forgive my bad english).

Olá Filipe, depois de atualizar para o release 1.1.3, não consegui mais comunicação com o ModDuo no W10. Os plugins desapareceram e a tela inibe todos os comandos. O driver RNDIS também parece não estar funcionando por completo, pois o equipamento não é reconhecido no Windows Explorer. Estou pensando em fazer uma atualização completa de tudo, como que restaurando a configuração original de fábrica. Pergunto: como fazer isto? Quem dá suporte ao produto aqui no Brasil? Grato.

which version did you had before?

please try reinstalling 1.1.3, just in case…

Olá Filipe, já fiz isto uma vez através da porta USB e pendrive. Coloquei todos os arquivos abertos na raiz do pendrive e acionei o knob1 e o pedal1 simultaneamente. Depois de um tempo ele diz que carregou o release 1.1.3, mas não consigo comunicação efetiva no W10. Também os plugins nativos não aparecem na GUI tela preta. Peço a gentileza de indicar-me o procedimento passo a passo para restaurar a configuração do ModDuo pela porta USB, bem como a indicação de driver eficaz para o W10. Grato.

A versão anterior era a nativa do ModDuo fábrica, creio que 1.0.6.

I don’t understand what exactly happens to you there.
Does the MOD boot and gets into the “knob #1” etc screens?

Regarding the connection problems with Windows 10, see

Olá Filipe, já investi bastante tempo tentando comunicação com o ModDuo, sem sucesso. Seguem algumas telas para tentarmos encontrar uma solução:

Veja que o dispositivo é reconhecido no Windows10 como um “adaptador de rede”.

Na “central de rede” ele aparece como Ethernet 4:

Ao tentar comunicação no endereço aparece a tela bloqueada, no ponto “Saving Preset”:

Após o “Cancel”, a tela continua bloqueada:

Minha configuração é esta:

Faltou dizer que o ModDuo inicializa e abre as telas “Knob #1” e “Output Volume”.
version: v1.1.3
restore: 5d204ba
system: 5d204ba
controller: 21b9b4f

try a different browser, perhaps.

you should try 1.2.0-RC1 too, it’s easy to roll back if needed.

Tried browsers: IE, Chrome, Firefox. All same result: black window with no commands available, no plugins. Didn’t understand “Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 RC1” ? How to use it under W10?

Tried also: MacBook Pro. Same result. Seems to be a problem with this release 1.1.3 or with the equipment.

Filipe, please, I need assistance in Brazil. Who can give support to ModDuo here? Send me contacts please.

It’s the first time I see something like this.
Just to be sure here… can you reinstall 1.2.0-RC1 please?
Let me know how it goes.