Save As behaviour is surprising


When you Save As multiple times a new pedel board is created each time.

How to reproduce

  1. Save as Test
  2. Save as Test
  3. Save As Test

Look at the set of boards

Expected/suggested solution

The expected behaviour is a warning the second time that it already exists and an option to overwrite.

Additional information

This is not a big issues, just surprising. Made me thing Save As was not working till I looked at the boards


This means we would prevent MOD to have 2 pedalboards with the same name (currently there is no such limitation).

Do we want that?

Is it doable now that there might be many people with pedalboards with the same name already saved in their devices?

Internally it saved in a new folder, but the name is arbitrary.
Personally I think not having such limitation is a good thing, but I am open to arguments on why it might not be the case.