VST/Software version of MOD?

we had 2 urls for the same, try.moddevices.com still works with a redirect. the “sandbox” one was the 2nd instance for testing that we shut down.

2 years is not a lot of time for internet links in my opinion. it is just that “sandbox” was a bad name to start with anyhow


I might be wrong here @Kopplog but to me the real benefit of the Mod system is the hardware. Even if it’s faster in a computer, that adds more hardware and complexity. It requires specif OS, then sound cards that work with that OS, etc…

Doable, but the usefulness of it might not be worth the trouble.

Just my thoughts.

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That is also our conclusion.

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Maybe I got it all wrong…
In my imagination, a VST-option would have unlocked things like you’re using the Valhalla-Reverb, for instance - so, some Plugin-container to run VSTs within…?
Not, that there are lot of MOD Plugins there already, just thinking.

Considering the amount of engineering effort it would take to make this useful cross-platform … we need another half dozen FalkTX clones to make it happen (all the while not working on improving MOD firmware and infrastructure).

So would that be worth it? maybe. Is it realistic? No.

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haha, okok.

BUT there are guys out there, selling Plugins on the MOD Device PLUGIN Store…
so, let’s see what happens