Welcome to MOD Forum

This is the place to start to learn everything about the forum!

Introduction to the MOD Forum

The MOD Forum is a welcoming place for all device users, potential customers, developers, enthusiasts and MOD team members, to get together, ask questions and discuss topics related to MOD Devices as well as music tech in general

This is the place where you can get fast responses from the community about any ideas you have or advice you may need. This is also a place where you can more easily talk to the MOD Devices Team. We hang out here quite frequently and try to answer back to any questions or ideas you might have

If you have a problem with a purchase, shipment or a warranty claim, please contact support@moddevice.com

How to use the MOD Forum

We want the forum to be as welcoming, easy to use and helpful to the community as possible

First, we would recommend that you read through this post, then head over and introduce yourself here

If you want to post on a topic or create a new topic, there are a few simple guidelines to follow so that you and the community have the best experience

1. Search First!

There is a chance that somebody may have had the same question or idea as you! Try searching through existing topics first to see if you can find a solution there. If you have an idea that somebody has already created a topic about, give that topic a like and post on that existing topic to show that you agree with it or add any extra details you have

It’s best if we have one single topic per idea, plugin, device, issue etc because it makes it much easier for other people to find it and makes it much easier to show the importance of that specific topic to the MOD team

2. Make the title descriptive

Try to keep the title short while also being descriptive

A title like:

is very short and does not give much information to a reader

I tried to install the latest control chain version on my footswitch but I don’t know how to connect it
is very descriptive! but also very long and will likely get cut off making it hard to read

How do I install Footswitch Update
is a good balance between short and descriptive

3. Find the right Category to post in

We spent some time to design and clean up the categories in a way that should fit any topic and be reasonably easy to navigate

Here is a summary of the categories and what types of topics belong in there

Each Category has more specific Sub-Categories inside. Ideally, topics should fit under a Sub-Category, but if it doesn’t, then you can still post it under the Main Category where it best fits

Click on the Category to go there and read more details about the kinds of topics that belong inside it and it’s Sub-Categories


This Category is for MOD Devices to make different kinds of announcement topics that users can post on


This Category is creative space for discussions about creating pedalboards to achieve a certain sounds as well as sharing pedalboards. Users that make cool pedalboards can win prizes and have their pedalboards featured


This Category is for topics about plugins in isolation, general discussion about plugins, but not about developing. Users can request plugins and Developers can proposed to make a new plugin. There is ONE main topic for each plugin once released

Using MOD devices

This Category is for all kinds of information about setting up and using MOD devices, either alone or with other equipment as well as details that are relevant for users (not developers)


Want to give back to the community? This is the place. This is where you can provide all kinds of feedback, feature requests, bug reports and ideas. You can also participate in surveys and even create video content about MOD Devices that we will do our best to bring viewers to!


This is the place for developers! for all discussion and questions about developing for the platform whether it be plugin development, other software development, control chain devices, midi devices or any other hardware development

Beta Testing

If you want to get involved in beta testing, you can find everything you need here. This is where we post beta firmware releases for users to install and give feedback.


This is the place for topics that are not so strictly mod related or perhaps don’t perfectly fit in the other categories. Here you can also promote your gigs and show of projects you’ve been working on whether it’s building something or making an album or anything else

What now?

Now you are familiar with how the forum works, why not Introduce Yourself?

Problems with creating posts or topics?

If you are unable to make a post or topic, it may be that you don’t have permission yet.

The forum has an automatic trust level system in place and, newly created users are given trust level 0, which has very limited permission. This is made in order to avoid spamming by bots.

In order to raise your trust to Level 1, you need to:

  • Enter at least 5 topics
  • Read at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Once you accomplish that you will be automatically given Trust Level 1, which allows you to create posts.

If you wish you can learn more about the Discourse Trust System..

Please reach out to one of the moderators or MOD team members if you are not given a higher trust level even when accomplishing the criteria above.

You can identify moderators by this shield icon
And MOD team members by this MOD Logo
MOD Team

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