Calling for testers: v1.9 DuoX CV builds

Hello everyone.
As we slowly get ready to release v1.9, we would like to ask a few people here to participate in some early testing of our v1.9 release.
We want to make sure that CV works well and the user experience is good.
Your feedback will be much appreciated.

The idea is to create an active topic with frequent builds that tweak things based on user feedback, until it is just right for public release.
If you are interested, please leave a comment on this topic.
Then in some days we will PM you, and you will have a custom v1.9 build to install :slight_smile:


Here! :wink:

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you can definitely throw it my way! :slight_smile:

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I’m in! CV is one of the features that I found most intriguing when preordering the DuoX. I’m sure I can be of good help.


Hi, I’d be willing to participate in some testing.

hey @falkTX… is this the thread where you’d like us to post feedback on v1.9?

no, please use the one where I posted the download link

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