Dwarf production updates wanted:)

Hey everyone, does anyone know about the warranty’s for the devices bought via crowdfunding like indigogo? Is it the same like a one bought in a usual shop?

I can’t really offer you a generic answer. Yet I can tell you two things:

1st: on crowdfunding campaigns, you don’t really “buy” anything. You support a project.
This tends to be a misunderstanding from crowdfunding backers and not super educated by the crowdfunding platforms. But to give you some references check these links:

2nd: (and I believe more important for you) We (MOD Devices) offer exactly the same type of support for crowdfunding devices as for any sold device. If you are facing some sort of issue, please reach out to support@moddevices.com. Regarding other companies, you can’t take this for granted. It depends on their policies.


I chose option 3 in the survey (the one with the longest wait but nicest rewards), and I think I remember there being something about credit that can be used in the plugin store. Would it be possible to somehow start using it now already on my mod duo before the dwarf arrives?

I believe that yes. At least on the plugins that are already available (some are still in the last stages of development).
Please DM me with the serial number of your MOD Duo and we will take it from there :wink:


Scared to ask, but I need to manage my own expectations. :sweat_smile:

Did the team manage to ship any Dwarfs in August? I know there were delays with parts and with the manufacturing partner that made this month challenging.

I’m trying to work out if I can plan to use a Dwarf on any September gigs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but I am certainly low down on the September–October list.

Impatient people can buy the Dwarf already at Thomann as immediately available :wink:.
I understand that for commercial reasons first those are supplied, with which still money comes in.
But I hope that the promise for delivery in September for those who co-financed the startup can be kept.

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Hi MOD Team,

in your survey i select the last batch (with all the extra stuff)
I’m wondering what this will be, especially the exclusive color, can you tell us something about it.

Thanks in advance

What? Asking for more informations You call “impatient” ? There was dates set but it’s not working according the dates, so we want to know. I would like also to know, because the last update from @jon didn’t confirmed yet starting a second option shipping

I did not call people asking for information are impatient.
Please, no exaggerated interpretations.


@phil we are still discussing that. We want to avoid something that ends up being way too complex for our production and therefore increases the delay. At the right time we will get back to all the backers that selected this option with more details.

@wiazek we got a bit late with the June/July due to some problems with customs, UPS and production. We are getting back on track and hope to ship a few of the second tier this week.


Personally, a different color is not much of an big deal to me. Because of this I opted for option 2 (fall delivery) in the survey.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what I gathered in different posts on this forum is that no cables (aside from the power supply) are included.

Seeing how many members here are asking about which MIDI cables to get, I think that supplying this mini TRS MIDI cable would have been a better incentive for survey option 3 than a different casing color…


You can pick up Midi to mini trs cable for 5 bucks at sweetwater (or 20 if you want to get wild). I am very happy to wait for a custom case color. I collect a lot of odd pedals and I think it’s a great perq. Most sane people don’t care about that kind of stuff. If waiting a bit helps MOD in their development and distribution process well… that’s what I signed on for. And as far as color goes… surprise me!


hmm not sure what type of cables are you talking about, but here you have a list of what goes inside the package:

  • MOD Dwarf (obviously!)
  • Power supply + correspondent plug according to your region
  • USB stick
  • USB B cable
  • 2 velcro straps (male and female)
  • 2 rubber straps
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That so much for your continuous support! :slight_smile:

I think he means a mini-jack MIDI-A cable.
Since there are 2 variants, it is easy to pick the wrong one.

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According the specification it should be e.g. as follow.
Shure I’ll be when the Dwarf arrives: :grinning:

⁣Befaco TRS-MIDI Cable A – Thomann UK


Yep, this is exactly what I was talking about :slight_smile:

A standard Aux cord that you can grab from the gas station works as a TRS midi-A standard cable.

It’s what I use for mine.

If you’re doing a midi-A to midi-B standard, or trs midi to din midi, you’ll need an adaptor.

I use the trs to din type A adaptor from retrokits. 1.5m TRS-A to Male DIN5 Cable - Retrokits

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Just wondering if there is any update on the shipping on the 2nd batch. Has it started?
Will be nice to have some updates :grimacing:

We shared an update a week and a half ago. Here.
Since then not a lot on the shipping has moved. We are still facing the consequences of the delays.
We were about to receive devices from the factory by the end of last week, but it didn’t happen. It also didn’t happen today. Hopefully this week we will be able to move with the shipments.