Morningstar MC8 commands to C4 Synth using Mod Dwarf USB Host


My board is a Morningstar MC8, which controls the Mod Dwarf. I would like to also control a Source Audio C4 pedal using the MC8. I have seen it suggested that I could use a ghost device from Disaster Area Designs to achieve this, but I wanted to know if it was possible to do this using the host USB port on the Mod Dwarf to pass preset changes to the C4 from the MC 8. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you

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You can use the USB B of the MOD Dwarf to send MIDI, you just need to set its behaviour to Network + MIDI on the device settings

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Interesting. Please let us know if you will get some success, I am going to embed C4 into mod duo x workflow soon as well, but still had no time to try.


@basslayer I made my experiences with Morningstar as well. It worked properly in a chain of Midi devices, without Ghost adapter or anything else. It worked properly when Mod Dwarf has been the first device in the chain and after connecting the Midi in and Midi out directly with a virtual cable (may this is nonsense but I had the feeling that it is like that). I had full control over the Dwarf and three more pedals by that.


I was about to connect the C4 using the Mod Dwarf as the USB Host and control both using the Morningstar MC8. Thanks for the quick responses. I did need to change the settings as described above.


I should note that when you are sending PC changes to the C4, use the number that is 1 less than the intended preset because the numbering of the C4 presets starts at 001, which corresponds to PC 000 from the Morningstar MC8.

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