Neotrellis M4 + MOD Duo = a match made in heaven

I programmed various functions into a neotrellis m4, which is an arduino-like musical device, and it works really well with the mod. I just thought I’d share it in case anyone else also wants to give it a try. I made a video showcasing some of the features


how was it program the Neotrellis M4? Was it hard?

A little bit. It depends how much experience you have with arduino/c++. When i started this project I was a little rusty, so it took me many hours, but at the level I am now I will say it’s not too difficult.

Although I did structure the code in a way that makes it really easy to make new “pedalboards”. I made one of the files like a library that takes care of all the functionality of the buttons. So you can just specify the button types, locations, colours, etc and quickly get it working without really understanding exactly how the functionality is implemented

I made a new video about the neotrellis m4 and mod duo, because my other one was a bit cringey


Super nice demo!

Now I want to know what this neotrellis m4 is …


Thanks, for a thorough answer you can read this, but basically it’s just a small device with buttons that light up and it can be programmed to do almost anything that a small device with buttons that light up could imagineably do

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Love this!

That’s amazing! :star_struck: Now I want to have it too :grimacing:
Would you say it’s hard for someone with no programming skills to make it work the way you use it?

Depends how good you are with computers in general I think. You could always just upload code to it that is already done, for example the stuff from this github repo. And to get things set up so that you could do that, the Arduino IDE setup part of this guide is probably the easiest method. Read that to see if it’s in your capabilities


Thanks for sharing this with us here :slight_smile:

I had one in my hands recently and found it a very nifty device. I wanted to use to trigger actions on my PC and control some tasks in my home automation project.

In the MOD ecosystem it would be much more useful – IMHO – if it supported the Control Chain protocol instead of MIDI. Since @mark_melvin already ported the Control Chain protocol to Micropython and the Neotrellis supports that, too, this shouldn’t be too hard. Then again… software development. No idea what hoops one had to jump through to actually get this working.


That’s fricking awesome!

To be honest, I think the best path forward is to just use the Control Chain Arduino library as it uses the C code from Moddevices as-is and is Arduino compatible rather than maintaining my micropython port. It was a fun project and I learned a lot, but maintaining it in parallel (and there are still some performance issues) is going to be a pain.

I have a Teensy 4.0 here I really want to use and it is an absolute beast of a microcontroller that supports Arduino libraries out of the box. I’ve already tested it as a MIDI controller with the Mod and it works awesome. I think my next step is to sync up with the latest Control Chain protocol release and build a native Arduino-based version of my footswitch on the Teensy using the Arduino shield. That’ll be amazing.