Peakmeter leds / displays / accentuation

I’ve just installed v0.13.0 and here are a few issues:

  • the light for output1 is blinking red. It’s not connected, but as is the output2, which light is not blinking red.

  • as in v0.12.2, the Duo display1 has some troubles when I load a new pedalboard
    This is the normal display for the click pedalboard:

    and with the defect:

    This issue is not specific to this board.

  • you can also see on the first picture that the accentuated letters are not displayed like the second letter in “métronome”. The problem is that I can’t save the name of the on/off switch in advanced parameter, even after having changed of board or reloaded the MOD-UI. The only solution I found was to delete the board and create it again.

  • the choice for a new pedalboard in another bank is not possible with the knob2 during editing with MOD-UI. The normal behaviour of the knob2 is retrieved after disconnecting the Duo from the PC.

(I’ve moved your post to a new topic. Please, next time open one bug per post and using bug category, this way is easier to track.)

Do you have something connected to input 1? When does it happen?

That’s a known bug. You can track it here:

Accentuation is not supported, but of course you should have no problem trying to save it. We will fix it.

Not a bug. That’s how it works today. Next update you’ll see an info message when you try to access banks and UI is connected. Also reported here:

Hey Ricardo,
Thanks for your answer. Next time I’ll create posts separately.

About the blinking red light for output1, nothing is connected. I also started again the Duo and it’s the same.

But do you have something connected in the input 1?

Nothing is connected neither to outputs nor to inputs. I just wanted to test the software.