Say hello to the MOD Dwarf

Just got my MOD Dwarf, amazing packaging and build quality!
Quick question, how to get the plugins listed in the strech goals, ie: it still ask me 10€ for the DT-1 Distorsion plugin.


we haven’t started giving out these licenses just yet.


HI falkTX, where the plug-ins are mentioned here. On 21 December, I ordered the Kickstarter Premium Plugin Set for 50 euros. But somehow I can’t find any information about it apart from the Paypal receipt. Where and how can I find this out? :slight_smile:

Hi - They are not available just yet. They have mentioned a few times that they are coming, but unsure on when.

You can tell it was really @gianfranco because the letter starts with a typo! :smile:


Haha I didn’t notice that!

I also don’t have access and I’m a beta backer.

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Hey Ollii, we are taking a bit longer because some changes on the licences management were being considered. Anyway, no worries, you should expect yours to get into your Dwarf soon.


Hello everyone! Sorry to be hijacking this thread, It seems I’m not allowed to create new ones, but please feel free to move my post to a more appropriate thread.

First of all: Great work on this pedal - it looks really rad.

I have a couple of questions to help me decide in the next 6 hours or so if I can convince my wife that I can back this with a purchase on indiegogo :rofl:

  1. Can I edit patches in realtime on my macbook? Like if I’m teaking a “pedalboard” with the visual editor thing (how do do I get that by the way?) can I hear the changes I make before I “commit” it to my device? Like for instance, I turn a compression ratio from 3:1 to 20:1 or some other more subtle change, do I have to guess and then send to pedal, try it and then tweak and guess again?

  2. How easy will it be to read my Mod Dwarf? This might sound like a stupid question, but the thing is, I have a Line 6 M5 and it’s got some great sounds (only one at a time :sob:) but the main problem I have with it is that I CAN’T READ THE DISPLAY when I’m playing live… Sorry for shouting, haha. So the text is too damn small… The thing that scares me is that the M5 is a similar small screen. Now the M5 has the hardware to work around this with the LCD changing colour when you change FX. That WOULD be enough for me to know what preset I’m on, however Line 6 decided to only change the LCD colour when you’re in manual effect mode, and in preset mode when you move through presets, you only get 1 colour and are forced to use your eyes or ears, which doesn’t work for me when I’m playing, singing, triggering samples, and trying to look like I’m having fun. I just keep ending up on the wrong preset and getting lost when I’m playing shows. I think the Mod Dwarf could work around this by using the different coloured lights on the buttons / switches if it doesn’t have a colour changing LCD… ie. if the lights have different colours, then different combos could quickly show helpful info like which preset I’m on… OR an option to make the text as big as possible in order to help visually impaired people like me when playing live… On this, Emoji support would be really nice, as I find symbols can convey simple info much faster than letters. An even better way to leverage the hardware for live use could be light shows on the LEDs… As nice as the the lights on the top showing input and output metering is, If I’m performing, I probably don’t need to know if my IO is metering, so how about a “live mode” where the user can select different light shows (not sure if the LEDs are RGB or just green/yellow). ie. flashing patterns for overdrive, pulsing for chorus, different combos to vividly convey the most crucial info when performing: Which brings me to my next point.

  3. Is there a “song mode”? ie. I program my presets into songs. So I program my songs in order, then I step forwards and backwards through my patches as the song goes, then next song comes on, switch that song and scroll presets “next, next, next”, easy peasy. Having a sequence of presets per song means that I can easily change setlists by programming a new order of songs. With the three foot switches I could have switches 1 & scrolling forwards and backwards in my song’s presets, and switch three scrolling songs forward with a press, and backward with a hold (long press).

  4. Has anyone asked about the possibility of running vocals through one of the mono inputs and having vocal FX follow the guitar presets… I know the input is probably line level unbalanced, so I’d need a seperate pre-amp, but the possibility is very exciting…!

  5. Lastly - Did I see there was a sampler in the devices??? I currently use an OP-1 live, and it’s very excellent, but preset management is quite not ideal (to put it nicely, haha). So if I could swap out the OP-1 for live stuff and have a controller or two playing samples which could be tied to my song mode, I’d be pretty thrilled… Also synths!? My mind is blowing, but I just want to have a better idea of the possible applications. My pedal board is so heavy, I’m ready to downsize, please make my dreams come true.

Much love and advTHANKSance :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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Hi, I will try to answer a few of those.

Yes, the changes you make to parameters, plugins, connections, etc happen in realtime.
There is no undo function.
You can use pedalboard snapshots to get the entire pedalboard back to some original state (in terms of parameter values, not plugins loaded)

I guess this is basically the “banks” feature. You can set up a bank which is basically a collection of pedalboards. Then it is possible to “navigate” through that list of pedalboards with the device (without PC) or using midi program changes.

Samplers are work-in-progress. For now we have only single-file samplers, not multi-samplers. And they are not quite finished at this point in time, but will be very soon.

You can see the list of synths/instruments here Plugins - MOD Devices

It is not a very big list at this point, which we are aware. But what is there will work well.

Coming very soon is a SF2 file loader and after that an SFZ one.
So if you learn how to make those (or grab one of the many available out there), it will quickly extend the possibility of instruments sounds.


Thank you kindly sir

To Song Mode. Yes, I work with it a lot. You implement the whole thing via the pedalboard snapshots. Build a pedalboard per song that has everything you need for the song and name it after your song. Then you go through the song part by part and create a snapshot for each part with the appropriate settings for your sound. You then give the snapshot a good name, for example “verse 1 (clean), bridge (crunsh), chorus 1 (heavy), verse 2 (clean)”…

Tip: If you also have other devices on your setup that can be controlled via midi, use the Mindi plug-in for this. Simply connect it to the Midi Out in the Web-GUI and set the Midi channel and program change for each snapshot that should be controlled when the snapshot is switched on. This is how I control my Boss GT1000Core for example.

Since you can’t change the order of the snapshots at the moment, you should be careful when creating them. But deleting and renaming is already possible. The reordering should come but sometime later, I think.

If you have now built a pedalboard for each song, you can sort them with the banks and especially sort out the ones you don’t need without having to delete them.

The operation on the Dwarf is then simple. Press the two right footswitches simultaneously. Then you are in navigation mode and get your pedalboards/songs displayed. Use the two right footswitches to navigate through the songs. Once you have found the song you want, press the left footswitch and you will be in the snapshots of the song/pedalboard. Here you can again navigate through the snapshots/songparts with the right two buttons.

Note: By default, all pedalboards are always displayed when switching to Navigation mode. If you only want to display your self-created banks, you have to jump to the bank selection with the left pushbutton under the left rotary wheel and select the bank you want to have.


Answering you to the questions that @falkTX left behind…

Although you don’t have a color screen, it’s really easy to read the Dwarf screen while playing standing (considering that you have it on the floor). Together with the colorful feedback of the LEDs, I believe that you will have no problems.

I would guess that is pretty much a normal usage possibility that you have with any MOD device. The Dwarf is not an exception. Just make sure to have a XLR/jack cable and you are ready to go :wink:

Let us know if you got your Dwarf :slight_smile:

No worries about the hijacking. I had to dial up the forum settings a bit for new users to keep spam-bots away. It has been working well so far but I know it’s annoying to new users. Looks like your profile is already set so you should be good to create new posts now. Let me know if you can’t and I’ll get it fixed for you.

Welcome to our community!

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Oh I didn’t even think of that!
As singing guitarist, the Dwarf can handle my singing AND guitar thanks to usin in- and out as 2 seperate mono channels. Indeed an XLR->jack converter is all I need!


Any news about shipping? I’m supposed to move by the end of April, and would like to avoid having it ship to the address I’m currently living at.
Although I fear my concerns are overly optimistic, I’d like to know when the early bird backers could realistically expect them to arrive.


If your pledge is not for a beta Dwarf you can still update your address on Kickstarter or Indiegogo account. We just collected the addresses for the beta pledges. If you are one of the beta testers that didn’t receive your Dwarf yet, please DM me.

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last time I was this excited for a dwarf, game of thrones was still airing


Ha ha, which season ?

Not really related with the subject of this entire forum…but I guess the dwarf on Game of Thrones was in all the seasons (surprisingly :sweat_smile:)