Wifi connectivity

It needs some kernel tweaks, so not something regular users can do. Then a few extra software installed and also some firmware.
I used wpa-supplicant for connecting to a WPA2 protected network.

I mean that indeed yes. Though at least here testing with a usb wifi stick that was often problematic, I did not experience any hangs.

Something like this?

Something like that yes. Though that project does not seem the best fit, plus unmaintained now.

We spoke in the team about this just now, we will add wifi support in the kernel and CLI tools to manage it.
But only if it does not affect the rest of the system.
So we can have this feature first for the few that know how to manage through SSH, and then we will see from there what is needed, how well or bad it works and all that.
The changes to the kernel config are minimal, so I think it should be fine.
Coming as experimental/advanced feature in v1.10 :slight_smile:


One very, very useful case for on board WIFI is the cconnectivity to Ableton Link.
The T1 from Torso Electronics is offering that: torsoelectronics.com/product/t-1
Maybe they are willing to share their experience.
I would love that as a strech goal for the Dwarf. ++++

That’s awesome news, thank you so much!! I will definitely be happy to be one of the first testers of the CLI tools. Perhaps you could even get the community involved in helping to develop a web UI for it too? I’m sure I’m not the only Linux developer in your community …


Just forwarding some great news from @falkTX to this thread - WiFi is working on the Dwarf now too!

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ah right, this topic exists too.
was trying to find the best one before.

worth linking to the instructions that will be working for 1.10

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When is 1.10 going to be out?

when it is ready. I mean… software wise it is ready, we are just doing the final details on the cloud infrastructure for MOD Labs.


Cool. No pressure really :slight_smile:

I really love my Mod. Looking forward to my Dwarf to arrive as well. Continue the good work guys !


If anyone interested in a third-party solution. This works, I’m using this all the time.


Hi everyone!
With the 1.10 update arriving in the near future this might be not super relevant anymore, but
i used a different approach to access my MOD Duo over Wifi.
I got myself a Raspberry Pi 4 which has Wifi compatibility on its own.
The RPI4 is connected to the MOD via USB and to my home Wifi.
Now i can use Port Forwarding (e.g. via Putty or MobaXterm on Windows or directly via SSH on Linux) to forward the MOD Duo GUI to a port on my local machine.


Thanks for sharing @CharlyRebell :slight_smile:
Indeed with 1.10 it will be a bit more irrelevant, but happy that you are sharing your workaround method! Maybe some folks will enjoy it :wink:

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FYI, people earlier mentioned success in connecting their ModDuo via USB to an OpenWrt router so it can be accessed by any computer. I’ve just done this too and wrote a guide: How to directly connect ModDuo via USB to OpenWrt router

It does require installing a particular usb ethernet driver kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether in OpenWrt, bridging that usb ethernet device with the rest of LAN, and setting up ip addresses correctly (I assigned my ModDuo a static ip in my guide, but presumably could also do dhcp).


This is super cool! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us :slight_smile:

Hi, as 1.10 final is up, has anybody been able to make a Duo or Duo X working in WIFI? I’ve tried in the RCs with two different USB sticks in BOTH machines and I wasn’t able, even copying the driver as instructed in this post.

If anyone has made it, please put on which model does work and a brief how-to, if different from @falkTX’s explanation. I’m stuck with one unit in BT in the studio and it’s horrible to work this way.

Thanks guys!

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Hi Daniel
Yes I was able to get the Wifi running with my Kickstarter ModDuo.
Basically just followed the guide in the Wiki.
The only thing that was different was that I had to create a subfolder in /data/firmware for the driver file.
When you use the “dmesg | tail” after you pluged the Wifi-Stick in he should tell you the exact name of the file he is missing and you should make sure to put the file at the exact same path he tells you.


It worked perfectly on my Duo (Kickstarter) with an EDIMAX cheap dongle (EW-7811Un, about 6€).

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Hi Daniel,
Did you manage to get it working?

Sorry guys I’ve been busy as hell…

I think my 2 USB sticks have a partition for the Windows/Mac driver and the DUO just sees this partition as a “drive”, as it doesn’t complain about the driver as @CharlyRebell says, doing “dmesg | tail” doesn’t display anything regarding the driver.

So I’m gonna try to find the EDIMAX that @Azza says and try it. Thanks everybody!